Tuesday, September 28, 2004

artsyfartsy clickerpants

alright, so now that it has taken me a successful 25 minutes of deductive reasoning (good scorpio trait) I have figured the html to post a few little pictures next to each other (WITH LINKS!!). a feat, to some is "PFFSssssFFT, nothin." to me is a major step.
SO what I was going to say.
I was reading the Communication Arts "interactive Annual 10". ~Reading the latest CA should be a joy to professional graphic designers and illustrators everywhere.~ Beside PRINT magazine, I don't think that any publication puts more inspiring, motovational work between 60 or 80 pages every month. (AALLLriGHt, US WEEKLY does a preeeety good job. )
-I love it so much that when it gets delivered to my boss' mailbox I have rigged a special "C.A." alert system that rings bells, sounds buzzers and shoots confetti cannons off right next to my desk. yep. Ahhhnd, I feel so strongly about it, I had plans all drawn up to facilitate him receiving a little electrical shock as he reached for it (in revenge of him getting it in HIS mailbox instead of MINE) every month, but that is no where near the positive reinforcement I need to get my CA faster.-
Here are two GREAT sites that I found interesting....
1.COLOR IN MOTION! ... This site was designed by Maria Cortes, for her M.F.A. thesis.
she says..."by far, the most challenging task was creating believable human movement for the characters. in addition consulting animation books, I often found myself in front of the mirror jumping up and down, playing various roles...."
The stick figs are SO cute you start to develop feelings for them. Her choices of music for each color replace for me, what body language conveys in a physical conversation. I thought the music was perfect. If I were a internet web site, I would want to be one like "color in motion".
2. MR. PICASSOHEAD! A fun way to waste time for fans of "eLouai's Candybar Doll maker" and "make a snowflake". so cute, I suggest you get over there and see your masterpiece, aheey sahp.
~holy god! the TOTAL FILE SIZE of the whole site is 700k!!!! That seems really good to me, even though I don't know anything. I really need to get my ass to web design school. I WANT to learn THIS STUFF.

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