Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Ariat, love ya but you just can't stay together.

Ariat Boots wear and tear...
Time for new boots.

I think that it is safe to make the assumption that seeing the wear and tear on the equipment that we use for our hobbies, or our sports lets us feel a certain amount of pride. The hours of life I gained and the things I have learned while being with my horse in these boots is well, memorable. I mean, they are still kiiiinda good..."They have soles! They're black!"

Really though that's a bunch of bullshit. I don't know why I am holding on to these boots any longer. These boots have no support. These boots have come apart at the seams. I'm not really sure what the THING is that I'm getting from these boots that makes me want to have them in my life.

I have had them for about a year and a half.
"SNAP!" the lace snaps apart. Again.
Uggh. I tie it in another knot and have to shuffle a bit.
Time for new boots.

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