Monday, March 24, 2008

I'm not doing any piaffes.

As it turns out, I was thinking about the post I wrote the other day about moving on in my dressage training.  It seems I've skipped right over most of the points on the "Art of Classical Riding" and the essential elements of the training scale. 
Because as you will notice:

So, therefore making me sound like a total ass of horseback riding when I say "we are ready to move onto collection, but I have to improve my seat first" because anyone that is riding any level of Dressage other than baby green knows that's a load of bullshit and who the hell is my trainer.... 

I can assure you my trainer knows very well the laws of the land, and you would have gotten a laugh at the look I got from her when I informed her of the post that I posted and how I thought that I needed to correct that. I dunno what I was thinking. I'm going to leave it just because my thoughts on collection. Just substitute the word "collection" for "suppleness" hah. Good to go.

So, onto the suppling... 

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